The tetris grand master While browsing the inet I stumbled upon this videos which impressed me: AGDQ 2015tetrisgrand masterfun
more presta trouble! Now after updating prestashop from to the javascript has stopped working.Tags: prestashopjqueryjavascriptnot working
Prestashop 1.6 tinymce Prestashop 1.6 tinymce is my personal developer nightmare (as is most of prestashop) Tinymce is prestashops default text input and has de terribly horrible custom of playing with html code while saving it.Tags: prestashoptinymceimage sources
Dead fish, the comic Some friends have created their fist e-comic. This project unites old fashioned drawing and computer editing to create an online comic series. Right now they are finishing their second volume.Tags: dead fishe-comiccomicreadonline
Ordering a taxonomy I've just been asked to perform an expansion on The main question being the possibility of user ordered taxonomy node listings.Tags: drupaltaxonomy ordermodule.
Translating full html in drupal I've been working today on the new encantsbcn site.Tags: drupaltranslateblockhtmli18n
Access control per node in Drupal While creating a private zone in a drupal site I encontered a problem. Drupal by default doesn't present viewing restriction support, it only allows edition and creation.Tags: drupalaccess controlview controlprivate zone
Aptana FTP "Opening file for write failed" I normally use aptana to theme my PHP sites. Ever since I first started using it, at random moments (specially when in a hurry) I used to get the following error: "Opening file for write failed" when I was trying to remotely save a file.Tags: aptanaFTPOpening file for write failederror
Prestashop 1.6 variables While making some modifications to a footer today I found a very handy list of variables for prestashop 1.6 cheatsheetprestashop 1.6